Thursday, September 14, 2006

welcome blog

Time to test the beta blogger out. Sounds a bit like beta blocker but no im not a junkie and i dont prescribed drugs! Anyway, seeing as my old blogger account is playing up on me and behaving like a spaz, i thought i would just check what all the fuss is about with this new beta ting. Looks and feels exactly the same as the old blogger and i havent noticed anything majorly different as of yet but maybe thats because i have my eyes closed right now. Anyway i just hope that blogger decides to answer my emails with regards to my old blogger accout as i have been using it for blogging for the past 2 years with no problems and dont want to have to redo everything. i am thinking it has something to do with writing to the atom.xml file but i dont know exactly what yet. i will find out day!

okay bye for now